0% Interest Free Professional Indemnity Insurance

0% Interest Free Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity can protect you and your company. We can make your business insurance simple and cost effective, allowing you to get back to work knowing you are protected, should any mistakes happen.

Solicitors in particular, are facing the hardest market for indemnity cover since demutualisation over 20 years ago; some insurers are seeking personal guarantees from their clients. 

Many firms continue to renew on 1st October and industry experts say they must start preparing well ahead of time, the Law Society is already reporting premium increases of 5-50% as ‘typical’.

To address this issue we have created a 0% interest free product to finance the Professional Indemnity Insurance for solicitors and accountants.

If you would like to apply for our 0% interest free Professional Indemnity finance product please contact our Sales Director, Chris Meyer.

Contact: Chris Meyer

Phone: 07854 380900

Email: chris.meyer@orchardfunding.co.uk